
Panel 70b - Location

The cult building dedicated to the Egyptian god Serapis (assimilated to Jupiter) was built at the expense of the freedman Caltilius, a devotee of the deity, and inaugurated on 24 January AD 127 on the occasion of the emperor Hadrian’s birthday.

Panel 70b - Figure 1Reconstruction of the sanctuary
(R. Mar)

The sanctuary opens onto the street with a prothyrum (colonnaded entrance) (A) added during the 2nd century AD and paved with a mosaic depicting the bull Apis (an ancient Egyptian god).

The entrance led into a courtyard (B) with porticoes along the long sides and an altar (C) at the centre, embellished by a mosaic floor with scenes of life on the Nile.

The temple proper (D) stands on a podium at the back of the courtyard and is preceded by a porch with four columns and a floor of coloured marbles.

The inscription Iovi Serapi (”to Jupiter Serapis”), now preserved in the courtyard, probably belonged to the temple pediment.

Panel 70b - Figure 2Mosaic with a depiction of the god Apis

See also:

The Residential Districts of the Upper-Middle Class