• Director'staff Office

Silvia Breccolotti (funzionario architetto)

Michele Orzano (funzionario per le tecnologie)

Tiziana Sorgoni (funzionario restauratore conservatore)

Claudia Tempesta (funzionario archeologo)

Alberto Tulli (administrative officer)


  • Director's secretary

Grazia Rossigno (administrative assistant)


  • Protocol and Archive Office

IT protocol and document flow management: registration and distribution of incoming and outgoing mail. Certified Electronic Mailbox management. Current and long-term archive management.

Dr. Claudia Tempesta (archaeological officer, manager)

Laura Antonietta Rossigno (administrative assistant)


The Park is organised into seven functional areas:

Area 1: Administration, finance, human resources management

Area 2: Archaeological land resources, archaeological sites and monuments protection

Area 3: Territorial protection

Area 4: Museum collections protection

Area 5: Study and research

Area 6: Development, promotion, communication, education services

Area 7: Technical and safety area


AREA 1: Administration, finance, human resources management

Legal, financial and administrative procedures and managament; human resources; labor unions relationship; communication coordination; office supplies management.

The office is also responsible for other tasks entrusted to the Park in accordance with the rules.


  • Programming and financial office

Ordinary and extraordinary financial resources planning and programming; operational control of investment funds. Budget processing, managament; funds allocation and monitoring.

Massimo Bizzarri (administrative officer, manager)

Ileana di Casimirri (administrative operator)

Sandra Terranova (administrative assistant)

Daniela D'Agostini (Ales S.p.A.)

Claudio Maffettone (Ales S.p.A.)


  • Technical office and RuP support

Silvia Breccolotti (funzionario architetto, responsabile)

Maria Chiara Alati (funzionario architetto)

Valeria Casella (funzionario architetto)

Cristina Genovese (funzionario archeologo)

Antonella Docci (funzionario restauratore conservatore)

Daniela Tarica (funzionario restauratore conservatore)

Michele Orzano (funzionario per le tecnologie)

Tiziana Sorgoni (funzionario restauratore conservatore)

Claudia Tempesta (funzionario archeologo)

Alberto Tulli (administrative officer)

Pasquale Matrone (Ales S.p.A, a supporto)


  • Tenders and contracts Office

The functions and duties of the Office shall be temporarily performed by the Director, Alessandro D'Alessio.

Mauro Bruni (collaborator, art. 5, c. 9, D. L. 95/2012)


  • Legal Office

Emanuela Di Fusco (Ales S.p.A.)


  • Human Resources Office

Management of all Human Resources procedures (recruitment, register of internal and external tasks and other assignments, contracts, data related to attendance and absence of personnel through the system EuropaWeb, temporary and permament transfer, work accidents, disciplinary actions, welfare, retirement, certifications, meal vouchers, ancillary wage settlement, performance audit, etc.)

Alberto Tulli (administrative officer, manager)

Sonia Trincia (technical assistant)

Claudia Manzi (technical assistant)

Anna Rita Neroni (administrative assistance)

Maria Teresa Gramegna (collaborator, art. 5, c. 9, D. L. 95/2012)


  • Labour Relations Office

Decentralised bargaining, internal and external communication.

Alberto Tulli (administrative officer, manager)

Anna Rita Neroni (administrative assistance)


  • Telecommunications Office

Management of telecommunications system, and switchboard management.

Alberto Tulli (administrative officer, manager)

Enrico Leonardo Battaglia (administrative operator)

Ernesto Russo (technical assistant)


  • Consignee Office

Purchasing through MePA-Consip portal, inventory through GE.CO.2 portal, storage, transfer, internal distribution, and removal of movable goods; electronic invoicing. Yearly Financial reporting. Reporting for the purpose of external monitoring and control.

Anna Rita Neroni (consignee)

Massimo Bizzarri (administrative officer, vice-consignee)

Ileana Di Casimirri (administrative operator)


AREA 2: Archaeological land resources, archaeological sites and monuments protection

In compliance with the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code (Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 2004), the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 171 of 29 August 2014, the Ministerial Decree no. 44 of 23 January 2016, and the Ministerial Decree no. 198 of 9 April 2016 article 4 paragraph 3, The Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica shall ensure the protection of cultural heritage through survey activities, and preservation for public use.


Julius II Castle

Silvia Breccolotti (archaeologist officer, manager)

Tiziana Sorgoni (archaeologist officer, manager)

Archaeologcal area of Ostia

Cinzia Morelli (archaeologist officer, manager)

Valeria Casella (architect officer, manager)

Antonella Docci

Daniela Tarica

Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer)

Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer)

Cristina Genovese (archaeologist officer)

Flora Panariti (archaeologist officer)

Barbara Roggio (archaeologist officer)

Claudia Tempesta (archaeologist officer)

Maria Laura Cafini (technical assistant)

Laurentina Necropolis

Dr. Claudia Tempesta (archaeologist officer, manager)

Archeological areas of Pianabella, Procoio, Tor Boacciana and St. Ercolano church

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer, manager)

Portus Necropolis in Isola Sacra and St. Ippolito basilical complex

Dr. Cristina Genovese (archaeologist officer, manager)

Imperial harbours of Claudius and Trajan, Monte Giulio area and Capitaneria

Dr. Marina Lo Blundo (archaeologist officer, manager)




Area within the 10th Municipality of Rome, delimited to the north by the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica and via dei Romagnoli, to the east by via di Castel Fusano, to the west by the state property areas of Ostia and Procoio to the intersection with via di Castel Fusano.

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeological officer, manager)



Area within the Municipality of Fiumicino, delimited to the south by the canal of Fiumicino-Fossa Traiana and the Tiber, to the north, west and east by the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica.

Dr. Alba Casaramona (archaeological officer, manager)



Area within the Municipality of Fiumicino, delimited to the north by the canal of Fiumicino-Fossa Traiana, to the east and south by the Tiber, to the west by the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica.

Dr. Alba Casaramona (archaeological officer, manager)


Architectural and Landscape Heritage Protection Office

Handles administrative proceedings of verification and declaration of cultural interest (ministerial decrees about regulations to private property).

Issues autorisations and regulations for private and public works on areas of relevant landscape interest, notably when protected in compliance with the Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 2004, articles 139, 146, 150.



X MUNICIPIO (Comune di Roma)

Consists of the entire area of the Archaeological Park, as per the Ministerial Decree no. 198 of 9 April 2016, article 8.

Dr. Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer, manager)



Area within the Municipality of Fiumicino, delimited to the south by the canal of Fiumicino-Fossa Traiana and the Tiber, to the north, west and east by the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica.

Dr. Claudia Irene Mornati (architect officer, manager)



Area within the Municipality of Fiumicino, delimited to the north by the canal of Fiumicino-Fossa Traiana, to the east and south by the Tiber, to the west by the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica.

Dr. Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer, manager)


COORDINATION OF “”VIA” and “VAS” PROCEDURES, of super-territorial interest

Dr. Claudia Irene Mornati (architect officer, manager)


Archaeological, architectural, and Landscape Constraints Office (Ufficio Vincoli)

Handles administrative proceedings of verification and declaration of cultural interest (ministerial decrees about restrictions to private property), and temporary occupation of private property.

Issues certifications of existing constraints over areas pertaining to the Archaeological Park.

Cooperates with other Institutional offices for the exchange of data and information concerning the historical system of constraints.

Dr. Alba Casaramona (archaeological officer)

Dr. Fabio Pandolfi (administrative assistant)


AREA 3: Archaeological areas and monuments protection

Handles the activities related to the protection and conservation of archaeological areas and monuments within the Archaeological Park, in compliance with the Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 2004, and the Ministerial Decree of 18 April 2012.

Analyses vulnerability elements and risk factors, in order to identify the measures of recovery and restoration of degraded or compromised areas.

Defines and regulates permitted and prohibited activities to be performed, and consumption modalities.


The office is also responsible for other tasks entrusted to the Park in accordance with the rules.





LAURENTINA NECROPOLIS (Municipality of Rome):

Dr. Claudia Tempesta (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer, assistant-manager)

Dr. Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer, manager)



Dr. Cristina Genovese (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer, manager)



Dr. Marina Lo Blundo (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Claudia Irene Mornati (architect officer, manager)

Dr. Tiziana Sorgoni (conservator-restorer officer, manager)



JULIUS II CASTLE (Municipality of Rome):

Dr. Silvia Breccolotti (architect officer, manager)


AREA 4: Museum collections protection; education services, research, study

In compliance with the Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January 2004, article 101, that defines the Archaeological Park as an “open-air museum”, the area handles the conservation, exhibition, study, knowledge, and public consumption of the collections.


The area is organised as follows:

Management and protection of movable archaeological heritage

Shall assess and determine conservation and restoration actions aimed to preserve the integrity of the heritage.

Manages inventory, cataloguing and photographic documentation of the heritage, according to Ministerial standards.

Expands its permanent collection by purchases, bequests, donations, loans.

Shall ensure the public consumption of the collection, through permanent and temporary exhibitions.




Dr. Cristina Genovese (archaeologist officer, manager)



Dr. Marina Lo Blundo (archaeologist officer, manager)



Handles the procedures related to the acquisitions and the assets.

Plans, directs, organises and carries out documentation, inventory and cataloguing of the assets.

Elaborates export reports for the assessment of authenticity and valuation of archaeological assets, or alleged archaeological assets, for Institutions and Law enforcement agencies.

Dr. Cristina Genovese (archaeologist officer, manager)



Handles the procedures related to the realization of exhibitions organised by the Park.

Processes loan applications for external exhibitions, submitted by public and private, italian and foreign institutions.

Dr. Cristina Genovese (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer, assistant-manager)



Restoration Department

Handles the activities related to the restoration, maintenance and conservation of the artefacts on display, stored or on-site, for which the Park is responsible.

Provides assistance for specific operations such as packaging, escorting abroad and receiving artefacts on loan.

Performs periodic inspections on builings and artefacts; monitors and supervises restoration works entrusted to external technicians.

Dr. Antonella Docci (restorer conservator-officer, coordinator)

Dr. Tiziana Sorgoni (conservator-restorer officer)

Dr. Daniela Tarica (conservator-restorer officer)



Dr. Tiziana Sorgoni (conservator-restorer manager)

Dr. Antonella Docci (restorer conservator-officer, assistant-manager)

see also: restoration department



Anthropology service

Handles the protection and appreciation of odontoskeletal human remains coming from the excavations of the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica and the areas under its jurisdiction.

Dr. Paola Francesca Rossi (anthropologist officer, manager)

Dr. Dario Daffara

Dr. Sandra Terranova (administrative assistant)


Photo Archive office

Manages, preserves, increases, digitally stores the photo archive. Takes care of its appreciation and consultation services for internal and external users. In cooperation with other offices, the office designs, directs, organizes and carries out photographic documentation campaigns for the purposes of study, research, promotion and appreciation.

Dr. Marina Lo Blundo (archaeologis officer, manager)

Luciano Fauci (technical assistant)

Giulio Sanguinetti (technical assistant)

See also: Photo Archive


Cartography Archive

Manages, preserves, increases, stores digitally and in the online project NADIS the cartographic archive. Takes care of site appreciation and consultation services for internal and external users. In cooperation with other offices it designs, directs, organizes and carries out topographic surveys, restitution and graphic representation (2D and 3D) of archaeological heritage, geo-referencing technical and historical maps, updating thematic maps (PTPR, Risk Map).

Dr. Claudia Tempesta (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Fabio Pandolfi (administrative assistant)

Francesca Quartucci (administrative assistant)

See also: Cartography Archive



Preserves and increases the library heritage based on the speficic nature of its collections; provides bibliographic information and facilitates the consultation of texts for internal and external users.

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer, manager)

Valeria Malinconico (administrative assistant)

See also: Library


Study and research (excavation concessions, research agreements, study authorisations)

It deals with the tasks related to excavation permissions, archaeological research, study and research permits for non-invasive surveys, conventions, agreements and memoranda of understanding.

Collaborates in the definition of uniform models and standards for the presentation of applications and the submission of documentation related to the results of the authorized research.

Dr. Claudia Tempesta (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer, manager)


Education services

Develops and carries out educational activities aimed at spreading knowledge of cultural heritage. Promotes the development and dissemination of the values and inspiring principles of the Park, in collaboration with all relevant educational facilities.

Dr. Dario Daffara (archaeologist officer, manager)

Dr. Paola Francesca Rossi (anthropologist officer, assistant-manager)

Dr. Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer, assistant-manager)

See also: Education services

e-mail: pa-oant.servizieducativi@beniculturali.it


AREA 5: Promotion, Communication

Handles the right of information, in order to facilitate the consumption of the cultural heritage of the Park.

Manages relationships with the external contractors of additional services.

Promotes specific fundraising projects.

It carries out any other task entrusted to the Park in accordance with the rules in force, in relation to the area of competence.


Promotion, concessions service

Promotes and monitors the relationships with external contractors for ticketing, exhibition and additional services, the agreements for space rentals and for the realization of audiovisual and photographic filming. The office is responsible for the management and organisation of institutional and special visits, additional supervisory activities and the processing and transmission of statistical data.

Dr. Alberto Tulli (administrative officer, manager)


See more: Appreciation office

Email: pa-oant.valorizzazione@beniculturali.it



Communication service, Public Relations (URP)

Handles the internal and external communication of the Park, the compilation of the DBUnico and the drafting of contents for the official website of the Park and Social Media. As URP, in compliance with Law 241/1990 and Law 150/2000, the office guarantees the excercise of right to information, access to documents and participation, promotes the processes of verification of the quality of services and of customer satisfaction.

Dr. Marina Lo Blundo (archaeologist officer,  manager)

Maria Laura Cafini (technical assistant)

e-mail: pa-oant.comunicazione@beniculturali.it


Fundraising service

Plans and carries out fundraising activities, with particular regard to the means for which Law 29 July 2014 nr.106 “Art Bonus” (and subsequent amendments) and 5x1000 provide.

Dr. Maria Chiara Alati (architect officer, manager)

Dr. Marina Lo Blundo (archaeologist officer, assistant-manager)



AREA 6: Technical and safety

Manages ordinary and extraordinary technical interventions, prevention and safety operations and IT services.

Identifies national and international funds.


Technical office

Handles the planning, the realisation, the extraordinary and ordinary maintenance of the architectural heritage of the Park and its green areas.

Issues technical advices about the feasibility of the interventions on the immovable property in the park.

Dr. Silvia Breccolotti (architect officer, manager)

Dr. Claudia Irene Mornati (architect officer, assistant-manager)

See more: Technical office

e-mail: pa-oant.tecnico@beniculturali.it



Plans and manages the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations on the technological systems of the park (mechanical, water supply, thermo-hydraulic, somke detection, fire prevention, scientific laboratories, etc.). Monitors the disposal of toxic waste and carries out investigations on construction sites.

Michele Orzano (technology officer, manager)




Programs and manages green maintenance works in the archaeological areas of the Park (mowing of the grass, census, stability analysis, pruning and securing of large trees).

Handles the maintenance of security structures along the routes within the archaeological areas.

Plans and manages ordinary and extraordinary cleaning, disinfestation of buildings and sites in the Park.

Michele Orzano (Technology officer, manager)

Valeria Casella (Architect officer, manager)

Roberto Crivellaro (Technical assistant)




As a technical reference point for conservation interventions, the office coordinates the activities concerning the historical buildings of the Park. Identifying and applying the most suitable methods for maintenance, restoration, consolidation and use, compatible with cultural purposes.

Dr. Claudia Irene Mornati (Architect officer, manager)



The service supports and coordinates the feasibility planning of new interventions on the architectural heritage, in relation to the implementation of the logistical and service functions; evaluates the best architectural methods to be adopted for the protection and the best use of the cultural heritage (such as roofs, walkways construction, etc.)

Valeria Casella (architect officer, manager)

Roberto Crivellaro (technical assistant)



Deals with compliance to the rules and regulations in force, regarding hygiene and safety matters, health and use of collective and individual means of protection made available to workers. It monitors and controls the provitions for risk and emergency situations; provides instructions on evacuation plans in case of danger.

Valeria Casella (architect officer, manager)



IT Office (CED-Data Processing Center)

Managment of the processing systems, telecommunication networks, e-mail systems and user service through the institutional website. It provides the logical and physical configuration of data centers and networks; plans the purchase of IT material, evaluating the needs of offices, services and labs.

Michele Orzano (Technology officer, manager)

The Park